Mental Health is Essential Health

Live a better everday life.

Maybe everyone is telling you to get help or to go therapy or media continues to brand mental health as a prerequisite for a happy life.

Perhaps, you’ve really got it together (yay!), successful, and considered high functioning, but actually feel like you’re drowning, tired, stressed or lonely.

Or, maybe it feels really good to have an hour a week to feel seen and to be heard in a safe, supportive space.

Whatever it is for you, and it is just for you, this mental health care system is a funky maze. Finding a therapist can also feel as difficult as the problem that you’re seeking for therapy.

You deserve to have a quality mental health care experience. If it’s not working, move on - it’s your feelings and experience that matter most, not the therapist. If its not a fit, it’s not a fit.

So, you’ll need to prioritize expertise in the specific issue or problem; explore potential fit between you and the therapist plus identity preferences; and cost, proxminity, accessibility and availability of care.

We are here to serve, support and facilitate your experience.

BLND Health exists to help you live a better everyday life. To help you create a you centered experience for the match making process with a therapist. If we don’t work out - at any point in the process - we’ll help you find a new therapist and support a smooth, supportive care plan.

That’s our guarentee.

So get started today. Come on into our Ann Arbor office for a walk-in or book a free 20-minute introductory session.

Maybe you’ll connect with us as a fit, maybe you’ll move on from us because we’re not what you’re seeking or you’re done because we’ve completed our work together, but either way we hope we can meet you on your journey.