What our good people have to say about BLND!
““BLND is what you need when you need it. When we first started it was more therapy based, inwardly focused, let’s look for patternsin panic attacks, etc. Now it’s shifted to growth in understanding myself and overall life choices that I’m going through.””
““I highly recommend working with John Evans at BLND Health. John authentically cares about the health and well-being of his clients and went above and beyond in supporting me on my personal journey to better mental health (and simply a better life in general). John’s approach can be applied and integrated into daily life, which, for me, has enabled positive and long-lasting change.””
““BLND has an innovative concept of treating the whole person rather than treating a disease.They provide holistic treatment in whatever way that looks for that individual. BLND is in it to healin whatever capacity that looks like.””
““BLND cares about the people they are helping and the organization they are working with. It’s refreshing to work with someone like that.””
“ “The BLND therapists are so adaptable with “I’ll do anything” attitude. I’ve been to other therapists and it feels cookie cutter. Sit down, talk, here are the five worksheets that I’ve given to everyone else. BLND is not the same couch, same time every week.””
““When you can get yourself healthy mentally, you can handle just about anything!””
““My therapist has been beyond spectacular.”
“It has been the most difficult six months of my life, but I am approaching each day’s challenges with the right frame of mind. I am feeling and doing better now that I have in the past three years. It just shows that when you can get yourself mentally healthy, you can handle just about anything!””
““There is an appreciation of the ‘kick me in the ass’ accountability from BLND therapists.””
““I’ve been doing therapy for years and haven’t had anyone do something like this – especially in the field of addiction.””